Isaac Guide wallpaper, Hero Wars.

Isaac Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Main Attributes Details
Position: Middle Line
Role: Support
Main Statistic: Agility
Faction: Progress
How to obtain: Events, heroic chest
Tier List 2024 Ranking
Hero Overall Tier List: S
Tier List for Hydra: A

Mastering the Arena with Isaac: A Complete Guide to Strategies for Hero Wars Alliance

Isaac, a formidable hero, is a key player in Progress faction teams, playing a vital role in forming solid shield combos and effective offensive strategies. In this guide, we will explore in detail the best strategies to fully utilize Isaac's potential in Hero Wars Alliance.

Introduction to Isaac

Isaac is a versatile and powerful hero, known for his unique passive ability and devastating Ultimate ability. He shines especially when combined with other heroes from the Progress faction, forming synergistic combos that can turn the tide of a battle.

Usage Strategies

  1. Progress Shield Combo: Isaac stands out when combined with heroes like Julius, Judge, Sebastian, Astrid, and Lucas or Ginger. This formation creates a powerful shield team with great synergy. Isaac's violet passive ability, combined with his Ultimate, breaks the enemy's armor and pushes them back, providing a significant tactical advantage.
  2. Synergy with Nebula: By combining Isaac with Nebula, his Balance ability increases the damage of Isaac's unique ability, which benefits from magic damage statistics. Additionally, Nebula also increases the damage of Isaac's abilities that require physical damage. This synergy makes Isaac even more formidable in combat.
  3. Offensive Strategy: Isaac is not limited to just Progress teams. He also shines when paired with physical damage heroes who position themselves in the backline, such as Daredevil, Fox, and Dark Star. This combination creates constant pressure on the enemy and can quickly tilt the battlefield in your favor.

Strategic Investment

To maximize Isaac's potential, it's important to prioritize certain aspects of his development:

Isaac's Technology Talisman in Hero Wars Alliance

Isaac's Technology Talisman is a powerful asset that significantly enhances his performance in battle. This analysis will focus on how the talisman, with its emphasis on agility and physical attack, boosts Isaac's capabilities, making him an invaluable asset to his team.

Talisman Overview

The Technology Talisman for Isaac offers the following maximum statistics:

Isaac with Technology Talisman, Hero Wars Mobile
Isaac with Technology Talisman, Hero Wars Mobile.

Agility to Physical Attack and Armor Conversion

For every point of agility, Isaac gains:

With a maximum of 2000 agility provided by the talisman, Isaac receives a substantial boost:

Enhancements to Skills

1. Physical Attack Skills: The additional physical attack enhances all of Isaac's offensive abilities, allowing him to deal more damage to enemies. This increase makes Isaac a formidable force on the battlefield, capable of turning the tide of battle in favor of his team.

2. Shield and Healing for Allies: The boost in physical attack and armor indirectly improves Isaac's defensive capabilities. His ability to provide shields and healing to allies becomes more potent, offering greater protection and sustainability in prolonged fights.

3. Armor Penetration for Progress Faction Allies: Isaac's enhanced physical attack also benefits allies from the Progress faction by providing increased armor penetration. This synergy allows the team to deal with heavily armored enemies more effectively, breaking through defenses and maximizing damage output.

The Impact of Talisman on Isaac's Performance

The Technology Talisman significantly enhances Isaac's overall performance by converting agility into substantial physical attack and armor boosts. These enhancements improve his offensive skills, defensive capabilities, and support for allies, particularly those in the Progress faction. With this talisman, Isaac becomes a key player in any team composition, providing a balance of offense, defense, and support that can adapt to various battle scenarios.

Isaac Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Shield for allies
  • Physical attack buff
  • Magic Defense Artifact for the team
  • Armor penetration buff for Allies of Progress
  • Heals Progress allies

Negative Points

  • Heals only Progress allies
  • Has little synergy with diverse teams
  • Increases the physical attack only for heroes fighting in the backline: Ginger, Daredevil, Astrid and Lucas.

Isaac's Evolution Priority Guide for Hero Wars Alliance

Stats Evolution Priority

  1. Health: Increasing Isaac's health pool ensures he can sustain longer in battles, enhancing his survivability.
  2. Physical Attack: Boosting Isaac's physical attack stat amplifies his damage output, making him a more formidable offensive threat.
  3. Agility: Enhancing Isaac's agility improves his attack speed and overall mobility, allowing him to act more swiftly in combat.
  4. Armor: Strengthening Isaac's armor mitigates incoming physical damage, further bolstering his resilience on the battlefield.
  5. Magical Defense: Increasing Isaac's magical defense reduces the impact of enemy magic attacks, enhancing his overall durability.

Glyphs Priority

When choosing glyphs for Isaac in Hero Wars Alliance, prioritize the following:

  1. Health: Glyphs that increase Isaac's health are crucial for boosting his survivability in battles.
  2. Physical Attack: Glyphs that enhance Isaac's physical attack augment his damage output, making him a more formidable attacker.
  3. Agility: Glyphs that improve Isaac's agility can enhance his speed and responsiveness in combat, allowing him to act more frequently.
  4. Armor: Glyphs that boost Isaac's armor provide additional protection against physical attacks, reducing the damage he takes.
  5. Magical Defense: Glyphs that increase Isaac's magical defense bolster his resistance to magical attacks, reducing the impact of spells and abilities from enemies.
Glyphs Priority
Physical Attack
Magical Defense

Artifacts Priority

  1. Book: Prioritize artifacts that enhance Isaac's magical abilities, such as increasing his magical attack or providing additional utility.
  2. Ring: Focus on artifacts that improve Isaac's overall survivability or amplify his damage output.
  3. Weapon (Magical Defense): Equip Isaac with weapons that provide additional magical defense, further fortifying his resilience against magic-based threats.
Artifacts Priority
Weapon (Magical Defense)

Skins Priority

  1. Physical Attack: Prioritize skins that boost Isaac's physical attack, amplifying his damage potential in combat.
  2. Agility: Choose skins that enhance Isaac's agility, improving his overall mobility and attack speed.
  3. Health: Opt for skins that increase Isaac's health pool, enhancing his survivability in prolonged battles.
  4. Armor: Select skins that provide additional armor to Isaac, further bolstering his resilience against physical damage.
  5. Crit Hit Chance (Skin+): The Isaac Dark Depths Skin+ dramatically amplifies his critical hit chance, elevating it from the base 2960 to an impressive 5920, doubling his potential for devastating critical strikes.
Skins Priority
Physical Attack
Crit Hit Chance (Skin+)
Image: Isaac with spring skin, Hero Wars Mobile.
Isaac with spring skin, Hero Wars Mobile.

Isaac vs Hydras

Isaac is not a great hero against Hydras but he can be useful to help Ginger and Danada teams against Hydras.

Issac can also be used on physical hydras to protect your allies with the shield, use it on Earth Hydra, so Mojo doesn't die in the hydra's first attack.

  • Isaac's team for Earth Hydra: Martha, Isaac, Mojo, Jhu, Celeste (Damage: 17M to 22M)
Image: Isaac team against Hydras, Hero Wars Mobile.
Isaac team against Hydras, Hero Wars Mobile.

Isaac in Battles

Strong Against

  • Krista and Lars, Satori, Keira, Daredevil, Ishmael, Artemis


  • Alvanor, Mojo, Mush and Shroom, Darkstar, Orion

Isaac's Best Teams

1. Astrid and Lucas, Isaac, Nebula, Judge, Julius
2. Ginger, Isaac, Nebula, Judge, Julius
3. Astrid and Lucas, Isaac, Jorgen, Judge, Julius
4. Ginger, Isaac, Nebula, Judge, Julius
5. Astrid and Lucas, Isaac, Sebastian, Judge, Julius
6. Astrid and Lucas, Ginger, Isaac, Judge, Julius
7. Astrid and Lucas, Isaac, Judge, Tristan, Julius
8. Astrid and Lucas, Isaac, Judge, Dante, Julius
9. Astrid and Lucas, Isaac, Judge, Julius
10. Ginger, Daredevil, Isaac, Nebula, Cleaver
11. Jet, Ginger, Isaac, Sebastian, Andvari
12. Jet, Ginger, Isaac, Sebastian, Astaroth
13. Jet, Ginger, Isaac, Arachne, Astaroth
14. Jet, Isaac, Sebastian, Keira, Andvari

Isaac Guide Conclusion

In conclusion, Isaac stands out as a versatile and formidable hero in Hero Wars Alliance, capable of influencing the outcome of battles significantly. His unique abilities and synergistic potential make him an invaluable asset to any team composition. Whether paired with heroes from the Progress faction or integrated into teams with diverse compositions, Isaac's presence can tilt the balance of power in your favor.

Mastering Isaac requires a deep understanding of his strengths and how to maximize his impact on the battlefield. By prioritizing his evolution stats, glyphs, artifacts, and skins according to the strategies outlined in this guide, you can unleash Isaac's full potential and lead your team to victory.

Remember, success in Hero Wars Alliance isn't just about individual power but also about teamwork and strategy. Utilize Isaac's abilities in conjunction with your team's strengths, adapt to different opponents, and constantly refine your approach to combat.

Isaac is not just a hero; he's a strategic cornerstone that can elevate your team to new heights. Embrace his potential, experiment with different team compositions, and embark on your journey to dominate the arena. With dedication, strategy, and Isaac by your side, victory in Hero Wars Alliance is within your reach.

Video suggestion

Isaac Spring Skin. Is that New Skin Good?

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